- Last habitable city in the world, isn't it?
- Yes.
You do anything you like.
Nobody bothers you.
- My name is Steven Blackburn.
- Vickie Allessio.
- It sounds Italian.
- It's my husband's name.
Were those your kids in the park?
- Yes.
- Nice-looking boys.
- Thank you, but one of the boys is a girl.
- I see.
I suppose your husband
likes to sleep late on Sundays.
Yes, he does.
You like to go home
and cook him a nice big breakfast.
- Don't you like to cook?
- I love it.
- Doesn't he like to eat?
- He loves to eat.
- I don't understand.
- We have different kitchens.
His is in Milan.
That's a shame.
Please don't cry. He found another cook.
- Thank you very much.
- Mrs. Allessio?
You have a very good memory.
- What about tea?
- When?
- Tomorrow?
- Fine.
The Churchill.
Great. See you then.
- What time?
- 4:00.
It won't break up your day?
Don't cross-examine me in the rain.
I'll be there wet, but I'll be there.
- Just a second, Derek.
- Good afternoon.
- Lunch tomorrow?
- We haven't had tea yet.
If I can change one appointment,
I can be clear, okay?
Do you only eat and drink? I know nothing
but your name and that you play baseball.
From the way you played,
it's obviously not your career.
I'm in insurance. I'm married.
I live close to where Disraeli lived.
I have two kids and I'm a Leo.
Now, what about lunch tomorrow?
We should see how tea goes.
See how tea goes?
I'll talk to you later, Derek.
- Who's Derek?
- My male secretary.