A Touch of Class

Hey, Steve. Steve.
- Over here, it's Walter.
- Hello, Walter.

How are you doing?
- Where are you headed? Málaga?
- Yeah.

So am I. Who are you with?
- Good. We'll sit together on the plane.
- Swell.

That's terrific.
I hate to sit with strangers on a plane.

They try to tell you their life story.
They really annoy you.

You know what I mean?
- Gloria all right?
- Fine. Great.

- And the children?
- The children are great.

Steve, there is something
I wanted to talk to you about.

I got this screenplay ready to shoot.
It's a Western with weirdoes.

I got these Apaches...
...and they start sucking this peyote root.
It drives them crazy.

Everyone starts banging everyone else.
It's got everything: Pot, sex, massacres,
orgies. Take the whole family.

It's gonna cost about $600,000.
Do you think Gloria's old man
would like to go in for about $200,000?

- What?
- The picture I just told you about.

Sorry, Walt. That's my deaf side.
Do you think Gloria's father
would invest $250,000 in my new picture?

- No.
- Are you sure?

Positive. He's been approached before.
You know something?
I liked you better when you couldn't hear.

I ordered a car, a Seat 124.
Señor Blackburn, if you complete
the papers, I'll get the keys.

- A Seat 124 is really a Fiat.
- Yes.

It's not a bad little car.
It'll hold all the luggage you have.

- Don't talk to me. Don't look at me.
- What?

- What's the matter?
- Steve, boy.

- That's what's the matter.
- Hi, Walter. Son of a bitch.

You'd think those customs guys
would know me by now.
