A Touch of Class

No, no, no.
Why not, Mom?
Excuse me, do you speak English?
I try, but I'm an American.
I have a son about the same size as yours.
Could I borrow him?

- You can have him all day if you want to.
- Thanks. Do you mind?

- Are you British?
- Yes.

- From London? Me, too.
- Yes.

We've been living there for years.
What did you say your name was?

Well, I didn't.
But it's Allessio, Vickie Allessio.

Thanks very much.
- Where are you staying?
- Guadalmina.

Maybe you and Mr. Allessio would have
dinner with my husband and me.

Well, that's very kind of you,
but I'm afraid I'm right out of Mr. Allessios.

- Are you here alone?
- Yes.

- That makes it easier.
- It doesn't actually.

Because I'm here for a sort of a rest.
And I'm on a diet. And you know how it is.
Thanks for the use of the chest.
Mrs. Allessio, how do you spell that?
Two L's, two S's and I'm out a lot.
How are you feeling?
