Enrique, 100 for the first nine,
100 for the second, 100 for the 18th.
- ¿Comprende?
- Sí, señor.
- Mucho bene.
- I shall win though.
Are you gambling with this child?
It's not gambling.
These kids have Spanish pride.
So instead of tipping him, I let him win.
- So he wins, does he?
- Yeah, if he can.
I see.
- What is that supposed to mean?
- What is what supposed to mean?
"I see." That supercilious, cold-assed,
English way of saying "I see."
It means I'm delighted
the boy has a chance to win.
I'd hate to witness a grown man
who has to beat an 8-year-old child.
He's 13, smokes cigarettes,
goes to the flamenco dancer...
...and he gives me two shots aside.
- ¡Olé!
- You gonna count that?
- You play four.
- She was talking to me.
- You lie three, you play four.
You know, winning is not that important.
You learn that as you go through life.
That's right. It's how you play the game.
Nice shot.