A Touch of Class

No ties. No responsibilities.
It makes your mouth water.

What do you want to drink?
- Whatever Mrs. Allessio wants.
- Whatever Mr. Blackburn wants.

- What about sangria?
- Yes. They say sangria's great.

- Lovely.
- Fine.

It's very Spanish. We're here.
Could I have some water?
I was just telling Wally this afternoon,
it's a shame Steve's wife couldn't come.

You'd just love her. Wouldn't she?
- They'd love each other.
- Really?

She's such an amazing girl.
She's had every advantage,
and you'd never know.

No pretenses, no airs.
She sounds wonderful.
- Why didn't you bring her?
- I wish I had.

You'd never get Gloria to leave those kids.
She devotes herself to them,
night and day. Especially the little one.

- How old is Josie now?
- Seven.

Cute as a button, but she's got a bit of a...
- What is it, a metabolism problem?
- Metabolism.

Oh, dear.
- So she's a little on the heavy side.
- Of course.

Could I have some more wine?
But Josie's really a lovely girl,
and once she finishes at the orthodontist...

...she's gonna be gorgeous.
She has crooked teeth?
I think there's something more interesting
to talk about...

...than my daughter's metabolism rate
or fixing her teeth.

We could talk about my kids' teeth,
but they don't stop eating long enough...

...to get them fixed.
Did I say something wrong?
Oh, boy.
There you go "oh, boying" again.
What's bothering Mr. Sensitive now?
