During the Restauration
We are ready, Your Excellency.
Read me the notes again
To His Excellency, the Minister of...
Enough.Tell me about the prisoner.
lmbriani Fulvio,aristocratic family...
Get him!
...an officer under Robespierre, exiled,a jacobin,
charged with planning the revivalof the Sublime Brothers sect
with Govoni Filippo, Grand Master
of the sect.
During his interrogation,
he refused to tellwhere Govoni is hiding
We thought it more useful to free him
so that he might lead usto the last members of the sect.
We spread the rumor
that lmbriani had betrayedthe Grand Master.
You are a free man.
lmbriani Fulvio,you can go freely.
This being a Te Deum day, His Excellencyshows magnanimity.
Be thankfuland join the general rejoicing.
You can go now.