Just the way your ride,
I know it is you, Gioacchino.
Just the way you walk, Ugo...
your arthritic way...
The way you are jumping, Lionello.
I know why you are jumping...
You are trying to hide
you want to die.
You idiot!
You do that again, and I shoot you!
You should have drowned me, Lionello...
You all should have let me die
instead of bringing me back to life.
Now, I am well again. And I have changed.
I feel well here
where everybody loves me.
Tito, my dear Tito,
I no longer have the faith...
And you can't even bring me solace
because it is I who am now taking pity on you.
You are not living, Tito.
You are merely surviving a thing of the past
which might well start again
when we will be old men.
Don't ask me what I want.
I know what I no longer want.
What are you looking at, Massimo?
Better look where you are going, or you will trip.
I can no longer bear to see your eyes/i>
turned towards the future.
I only have a life to live and I can't wait
for universal happiness to dawn on us.
Who among you loves me enough
to protect me from death?
don't look at me with such eyes.
It is not my despair that you must fear,
but my happiness.
You cannot imagine what more
can be asked from life.
It is me...
It is me who denounced them..
- I did it for you.
- For me?
That is what you want, I know it.
You are now free, at long last.
If you miss this opportunity,
you are lost.