To Capri.
When was Agrippina killed?
-69 A.D.
Why have you given me a zero?
Wasn't it 69?
It was 59 A.D.!
-Are you sure?
What do you mean, sure!
It was 59 A.D.!
Oh, damn it! I knew it was!
You'll drive me crazy!
Get back to your seat!
What have I done?
Why couldn't it have been 69?
There will come the day
when a renewed Italy
will take to the field of battle
on her own behalf
and not be defending her soil
for others, with their weapons.
Universal, being Spirit
incarnate in the State
and cannot but enter into
the true nature of the Church.
This reconciliation between State
and Church occurred through
a Demiurge which brought order
to members of State and Church
demanding iron discipline
and the right to intervene
in all aspects of individual life.
He is God's chosen Son
because he has the same power
as the Father.
Then there is the Holy Spirit
to be placed on the same level
as the Father and the Son.
Is that clear?
This is why God is one
and also a Trinity.
I'll speak about the great Giotto...
-Whose balls exploded like this!
Do you know, boys and girls
why Giotto is important
in Italian painting?
I will tell you.
Because he invented perspective.
Remember, per-spec-tive!