Move over. What have you done here?
We'll go through it together.
What is written here?
What is written here, I say?
You must know how to read!
But l...
-Keep quiet!
X9 plus the square root of K3...
Here's the solution.
X1 = 140...
X2 = 3/5ths of the total,
less the difference.
Is that clear?
What have you done?
Are you crazy?
Janitor! Janitor!
Greek is so beautiful, isn't it?
-You betcha!
Don't you think it is so musical?
Emarpszamen! Repeat after me.
Be quiet! Now try again.
Please, teacher,
could you be so kind...
Could I hear it again?
Look: Emar-pszamen.
Careful with the tongue...
it must go here,
against the palate...
then spit it out.