It's hot, isn't it?
Aren't you all hot?
What an odd girl you are.
Come on now, go home.
There's no cats here.
Boss, "Mortar" has written
another poem.
When do you manage to write
these poems?
"Mortar," let's hear this poem.
O.K., let's hear it.
What's its title?
"My grandfather made bricks
"My father made bricks
"l make bricks too,
but where's my house?"
Bravo! I get your point!
It's quite right. But l, too,
was once a poor man
and I have gradually worked my way
up to master builder.
You can't get everything at once!
You have to be patient,
you have to work.
By working, one can. You must work.
-Aren't we working?
That's enough!
No drinking before the soup!
Where have you read that?
It blows up the stomach.
I read it in the Sunday paper.
Keep your hands to yourself!
-There's a spoon missing.
Is it hot, Lallino?
-A little.
I want a lot.
-You'll get your share.
Would you like some more, Lallo?
There's some left, you know.
Is there enough salt?
-Yes, Grandpa.
Give him a little.
-He's already eaten.