I don't want
to offend you, Aurelio,
but Teo was smarter than you
at school.
I grant you that.
That's quite true.
He still is, even now.
Do you like being with us, Teo?
Uncle, the sea's over there.
It's like a blue streak.
Dad, can I drive the horse?
What can I do just sitting here,
then? Let me drive it!
That'll be the first time a horse
was driven by a mule!
That's a shorter road.
An awful road, full of potholes,
enough to take this carriage.
Is something wrong?
Why do you carry those
in your pocket?
These stones!
Aren't they heavy?
-They're beautiful, stones are.
Stop the carriage!
Teo needs to take a leak!
If he has to...
Watch how you get down.
You too?
Don't be long, Grandpa,
I'm hungry.
My father's father used to say:
to be fit as a fiddle,
you have to piddle!
To be fit as a frog,
pee often like a dog.
How green!
How beautiful, Teo...
How old's the mare?
-Three years and two months.
She's only got one vice,
she can't stand train whistles.
When I'm at the station stand,
it's really a job to hold her!