What're you doing?
Throwing stones at your old dad!
That's enough, now!
Now, now! Don't you do the same!
Come down, Teo,
your brother's angry.
Come down, now!
It's quite a normal urge. He's 42!
-Yes, but he'll fall down.
When I was 42... I'll tell you!
Now, that's enough, Teo!
Climb down, Teo!
Good shot, Uncle,
right on his head!
Right on the target.
Now, I'll come up,
but don't throw anything at me!
We'll take some birds home.
Do you want to kill us all?
-Now, I'm coming up.
Yes sirree! lf you throw
one at me, you'll hear about it!
What a shot! Murderer! I hope
somebody kicks you in the nuts!
Christ, what'll I do now?
Jerk off?
I'm an asshole, a stupid asshole.
Well, let's all go home!
Driver, hitch up the horse,
we're going home!
Are you going to leave him up there?
-Yes! Hitch up the horse. Let's go!
As you wish.
-Dad! Titta!
Call your mother!
Where's your mother?
Leaving him there?
-He's all right up there.
Let's go! I want to go home.