
kit vowed he'd always stand beside me
and let nothing come between us.

He wrote this out, put it in a box
with some of our tokens and things...

...and sent it off in a balloon
he'd found on the garbage route.

His heart was fiilled with longing
as he watched it drift off.

Something must've told him we'd never
live these days of happiness again...

... that they were gone forever.
Then, sure enough, Dad found out I'd
been running around behind his back.

He was madder than I'd ever seen him.
As punishment for deceiving him,
he went and shot my dog.

He made me take extra music
lessons after school...

...and wait till he picked me up.
He said ifpiano didn 't keep me off
the streets, maybe the clarinet would.

Sure is pretty.
What'd you come out here for?
I wasn't aware there was
any law against it.
