kit made me get my books from school
so I wouldn 't fall behind.
We'd be starting fresh
and have to change our names.
His would be James, I'd be Priscilla.
We'd hide out somewhere up north...
... where people didn 't ask
a lot of questions.
I could've snuck out the back
or hid in the boiler room.
But I sensed that my destiny now lay
with kit, for better or for worse.
It was better to spend a week
with one who loved me...
... than years of loneliness.
How you doing?
I'm fine. Kind of tired.
Yeah, me too.
We hid out in the wilderness by a river,
in a grove of cottonwoods.
We built our house in the trees...
... with tamarisk walls and willows
laid down to make a floor.
There wasn 't a plant in the forest
that didn 't come in handy.
We planned tunnels
under the forest floor.
And our fiirst task every morning
was to choose a new daily password.
Sometimes we'd steal
a chicken or a bunch of corn...
...or some melons from a melon patch.
Mostly, wejust lay on our backs
and stared at the clouds.
Sometimes it was like being
in a big marble hall...
...how we talked in low voices
and heard the tiniest sound.