The whole country was looking for us.
Who knew where kit would strike next?
Sidewalks cleared out.
Stores closed and drew their blinds.
Posses and vigilante groups formed
from Texas to South Dakota.
Children rode to school
under heavy guard.
A famous detective was brought in
from Boston. He could fiind no clues.
People left their lights
on while they slept.
My clarinet teacher said I wasn 't
responsible, but others said I was.
On Thursday, the governor of Oklahoma
sent the National Guard...
... to guard the Federal Reserve Bank
in Tulsa because kit meant to rob it.
It was like the Russians had invaded.
We needed supplies,
so we went to a rich man 's house.
kit felt it'd be safer
and quicker than shopping.
A maid came.
Hi. I'm here to check your meter.
My tools are in here.
This is Holly, she's from Texas.
Later we found out she was deaf,
and we hadn 't even known it.
Excuse me.
-This your place?
Sorry to barge in on you.
Anyone else here besides you two?
Good deal.
Oh, we're on the run. And. . .
. . .we'd like to hang out here a while,
couple hours maybe, how'd that be?