-Hi! What you doing?
-Just thinking.
Good a way to kill time as any.
She okay?
We're gonna take the Cadillac
for a while. How'd that be?
-Don't worry, I won't let her drive.
Oh, here.
A list of what I borrowed. Car too.
Okay, ma'am, let's go. Out that way.
Go on.
You're my friend?
-Okay, no monkey business now.
That guy could sell that list I gave
him as a sample of my handwriting.
-Why you always walking ahead of me?
-Why you always walking behind me?
-Anybody ever do that to you?
Guess there's no way
I'll ever know for sure.
That guy must pay through the nose
to keep this place up.
Lawn. Gas and electric. Bagworms.
Plus the upkeep on the cars.
You get a little money and think
your problems are solved.
Well, let me tell you, they're not.
I'd like to get out of here.