Oh, I know,
and I hate myself for it.
Tell me, uh,
does that routine usually work?
Nine times out of 10.
Hey, wait a minute.
Slow down.
Wait. Hey, there's a dog
in the gutter. Stop the car!
I can't stop for a dog.
Well-Well, then let me out.
Just let me out.
[Tires Squeal]
Damn it!
Do you think he's in pain?
What does it matter anyway?
I mean, he's just a dog, right?
Ju-Just a dumb, stupid,
beat-up dog.
Come on.
Just let me go! Why don't you go.
That's what you wanna do, isn't it?
Look, you can't do anything
for him, he's dead.
What happened?
Oh, somebody
ran over a dog.
Oh, yeah.
Somebody ran over a dog.
Wait a minute.
You don't think that...