This is too much.!
I mean, it is too much.!
I don't believe it.
I have never seen
a shower like this.
This is a shower, isn't it?
L-I mean, it's so big!
Oh, Frankie, can I?
[Clicks Tongue]
Help yourself.
Oh. You know,
this is like a page
out of House Beautiful.
You're a fake, you know it?
You try very hard to be mean, but...
[Unzipping Boot]
You're actually very nice.
What makes you think
I'm doing you a favor?
I'm probably doing a service
for the board of health.
Now there you go again.
[Water Running]
Thank you.
That was wonderful.
What are you anyway?
I'm clean, for one thing.
What are you?
Nobody's fool, sweetheart.
I thought I made that clear,
but you do keep trying.
Now look, get your clothes on.
The party's over.
You can go and play
your little games with Bruno
and all those other nice guys you know.
Does it follow you around
all the time?
That black cloud over your head.
And for your information,
Bruno is a nice guy.
[Plate Clatters]
You don't really believe that?
You needed a place to sleep,
and Bruno wanted to get laid.
He charged you for that bed
and you overpaid. So don't pin any medals
on that creep for his generosity.
You just keep mixing me up.
First you're angry because you think
I'm trying to take advantage of you.
And now you're angry
because you think
I let Bruno take advantage of me.
Well, which is it?
Which am I?
Am I the dum-dum that got
taken last night or the bitch
who's trying to take you tonight?
I just wish that
you'd make up your rancid mind.