[Sighs, Sniffs]
Good morning.
Good morning.
Is that all of you in there,
or are you expecting company?
Something smells good.
Always does
when it's burning.
Hey, it's not there today.
What's not there?
The black cloud
over your head.
Goes away
when I'm cooking.
Look, sweetheart.
Make yourself useful.
Get the toast and the milk
out of the refrigerator.
And don't make any plans
for today.
Why? Are we gonna do something?
Are we gonna do something?
What are we gonna do?
I'm not gonna tell you,
it's a secret.
Oh, that's not fair. I don't
keep any secrets from you.
Everything about you
is a secret.
[Plate Clatters]
Breezy, I don't know
one word about you.
Where you come from,
who your friends are...
Got any parents...
Whether you're in trouble...
You could tell me, you know?
I didn't think
you wanted to know.
Gee, I'm no mystery, Frankie.
I come from Intercourse,
Yes, I know, and
I've heard all the jokes.
I didn't say a word.
Well, it gets better. You have to
pass through Faithful to get there.