Deux hommes dans la ville

- How you doing?
- Fine.

Gino Strabliggi was executed
at 4:17 this morning.

Not funny.
It could've been me.
I could've killed a cop.

Now the only risk
is that your old pals
might try to see you again.

- Let 'em.
- Be careful.

- Sophie okay?
- She'll be at lunch.

I'm so glad to see you.
I wanted to say good-bye.
We're moving.
You didn't.
You didn't quit?
Yes and no. I was transferred to
Montpellier to work with delinquents.

No more prisons.
But that's where it counts,
and you know it.

The guys need you.
No more educators in the prisons?
They'll keep a few.
They'll have to.
We won't see you anymore.
It's sad.

when we have a long weekend,
we'll go to Montpellier.
There's a superhighway now,
it's quicker.

And with this...
Almost new.
Couldn't resist.
Nice little fireball.
