Deux hommes dans la ville

- Let's have lunch.
- I don't have time.

Friendship and
all the rest are dead?

It's for your own good.
I'm watched here.
- Because of the bank.
- The bank?

I saw your gorgeous bank.
- You think she's a lead to the safe?
- What else?

I've really quit,
and you should do the same.
You'll never be a winner.
I've already won.
Look around, freedom, a life.

Yeah, what's freedom without bread?
I'll give you my address.
If you change your mind,
stop by for a visit.

5, Iron Street.
Think it over.
You got two weeks to decide.

Remember the good old days.
I only remember
10 years in the joint.

You forgot?
That's part of life's experience.
And thanks to experience,
our next job won't backfire.

Third gear keeps slipping.
