You're touching the gun,
you're touching the body.
Yeah, I'm touching the gun,
and I'm touching the body.
'Cause this is the gun
that shot the man.
This body is the man
that pulled the trigger.
He shot himself.
No, no, no. That's a suicide.
If it's a suicide, we don't have a case.
That's it.
We don't have a case.
That's no good, Doc, because,
you see, I got a whole theory here.
The pork chop... that's nothin'.
My notes here, I can give you a whole--
We haven't got anything.
There hasn't been a murder,
the man shot himself,
and we're not interested
in your pork chops,
your loaves of bread,
or your notes.
Get that through your head.
No. No.
It ain't gonna be that way, Doc.
Say, I am the officer in charge here.
Now, that is my body,
and that's my gun,
and you keep your hands off
of them, you got it?!
Who do you think you're talking to?
Hey, cool it.
Ryker's here.
Don't be messing around now, Zip.
You know what this guy is doing?
He's trying to steal my case.
He can hear everything
you're saying in here.
I don't give a damn!
You listen to me, hatchet artist.
You're tampering with evidence.
And if you put your finger
on one more thing in this room,
I'm gonna bust your ass.
That's right, the officer in charge
is talking to you,
and he's saying
that you're gonna be arrested
as an accessory after the fact
in a murder case!
Will you listen to me, son?
I've had a lot of patience with you.
You want to be a policeman.
You wanna stay on the force.
You just get the hell out of here
and get on that motorcycle
and start tagging automobiles,
because if I hear one more peep
out of that goddamn yap of yours,
I'm gonna see that you go to Siberia!
- I'm the coroner here!
- Well, I am the officer in charge!
Wintergreen is the name.
John Wintergreen.
Get him out of here.
Knock it off! Come on, man.
Get out of here.
Get on that motorcycle
and get outta here!
- What do we got, Doc? Suicide?
- Jesus Christ!