Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii

l want do a song that´s one of my
favorites. lt´s called My Way.

And now the end is near
So I face
The finaI curtain

My friend
I´II say it cIear

I´II state my case of which
I´m certain

I´ve Iived a Iife that´s fuII
I´ve traveIed each
And every highway

And more, much more than this
I did it my way
Regrets, I´ve had a few
But then again
Too few to mention

I did what I had to do
And saw it through
Without exception

I pIanned each charted course
Each carefuI step
AIong the byway

Oh, and more
Much more than this

I did it my way
Yes, there were times
I´m sure you know

When I bit off more
Than I couId chew

But through it aII
When there was doubt

I ate it up and spit it out
