Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii

WaIk the siIent street before me
Now it´s over

If time were not a moving thing
And I couId make you stay
This hour of Iove we share

WouId aIways be
There´d be no coming day

To shine a morning Iight
And make us reaIize our
Night is over

It´s over
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
WeII, it´s one for the money
Two for the show

Three to get ready
Now go, cat, go

But don´t you step on
My bIue suede shoes

You can do anything but Iay off
Of my bIue suede shoes

You can knock me down
Step in my face

SIander my name
AII over the pIace

Do anything that you want to do
Come up here.

Lay off of my shoes
Don´t you step on
My BIue suede shoes

You can do anything but Iay off
Of my bIue suede shoes

BIue, bIue
My bIue suede shoes

BIue, bIue
My bIue suede shoes

BIue, bIue
My bIue suede shoes

You can do anything but Iay off
Of my bIue suede shoes

BIue, bIue
My bIue suede shoes

BIue, bIue
My bIue suede shoes

BIue, bIue
You can do anything but Iay off
Of my bIue suede shoes

Thank you very much.
Thank you.
You ain´t nothin´ but a hound dog
Cryin´ aII the time
