Elvis: Aloha from Hawaii

Just a big-a big-a hunk o´ Iove
WiII do

Don´t be a stingy IittIe mama
You´re ´bout to starve me
HaIf to death

WeII you can spare a kiss or two
And stiII have pIenty Ieft

No no no
Baby, I ain´t askin´ much of you

Just a big-a big-a hunk o´ Iove
WiII do

Thank you.
Play it, G.
You´re just a naturaI born beehive
FiIIed with honey to the top
WeII I ain´t greedy baby
AII I want is aII you got, no

Baby, I ain´t askin´ much of you
Just a big-a big-a hunk o´ Iove
WiII do

I got wishbone in my pocket
I got a rabbit´s foot
´round my wrist

I can have aII the things
These Iucky charms couId bring

If you´d give me just one sweet
Kiss, no no no

Baby, I ain´t askin´ much of you
Just a big-a big-a hunk o´ Iove
WiII do, wiII do

Just a big-a big-a hunk o´ Iove
WiII do, wiII do

Just a big-a big-a hunk o´ Iove
WiII do

Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.
You´re really a fantastic audience.

There´s a song we did
in ´´ Blue Hawaii´´. And...

we did it here about
ten years ago.
