We got our hands
on a demonstration film of Oharra.
All real bricks and boards.
Nothing phony about any of it.
This was before he picked up
a facial scar somewhere.
This is where you'll be going.
An island fortress, really.
After the war...
...the nationality of the island
was uncertain.
And sometime after that, Han bought it.
What do you know about Han?
He lives like a king on that island,
totally self-sufficient.
All of his efforts, seemingly...
...are directed towards supporting
what he calls his school of martial arts.
Han's only contact with the outside world
is this tournament...
...which he holds every three years.
This was a stewardess, Mary King,
found floating in the harbor.
Nothing unusual
about a body in the harbor.
But this girl was last seen at a party
aboard Han's private junk.
They had reported her lost at sea
before the body was found.
We believe he selects attractive girls...
...and methodically builds
their dependence on drugs...
...then sells them to an elite clientele
around the world.
What did the autopsy reveal
as the cause of death?
She did not drown.
She OD'd?
Cause of death was heroin overdose.
I gather you still don't have enough
to bust up his operation.
We know everything.
We can prove nothing.
We want you to go in there as our agent.
Get us our evidence.
And come out in one piece
to give it to you.
We'll give you anything you need.