You men carpenters?
Sí, senor.
We do rough fixings.
Could you make some big tables
that a lot of people could sit?
- Like for a church picnic?
- Exactly.
Well, you could use sawhorses
and one-by-twelvers.
Could you have them ready
for me by tomorrow morning?
- Ifwe have the lumber.
- You´ll have the lumber.
Come on with me.
- You really plannin´ a picnic?
- Any objection?
No, just it´s the damnedest thing
I ever heard of.
- You haven´t heard the funny part.
- What´s that?
You´re furnishing
the beer and whiskey.
- Preacher.
- Good morning, Brother Belding.
- Mrs Lake wasjust asking about you.
- How is the dear old soul?
She´s chipper as a jaybird.
I don´t know how she does it.
She´s got the strength
of her faith, Brother Belding.
Praise God.
The strength of her faith.
Too bad about your barn.
There´s nothing wrong with my barn.
It´s sound as a dollar.
How come those two Mexs
is tearin´ it down?
What do you greasy bastards
thinkyou´re doing to my barn?
Exactly what I told ´em.
We´re requisitioning
your barn, Belding.
Any objection?
You men can go back to work.
Would you mind tellin´ me
what the hell´s goin´ on here?
You can help out too.
You want me to help you
tear down my barn?