High Plains Drifter

Wait a minute.
Maybe he´d be better use
if he´d help us collect...

the few little items
we´re still missing.

Items? What items?
What for?

You got the list, Sheriff.
Read it to him.

We still need 35 bedsheets...
one barbecued steer...
and 200 gallons of red paint.
Red paint?
We´re counting on you
for the bedsheets.

- Is there anything else?
- Yes, there is.

How long´s it gonna take you
to get everybody out ofyour hotel?

- What?
- Everybody out.

- How long is it gonna take?
- I just can´t--

I got eight people living in rooms
up there in my hotel.

Where are they gonna go?
You know better´n to walk
in a man´s camp and--

What the hell is goin´ on?
Well, Stacey, it looks like
we got three fresh horses.
