- Any improvement?
- Some.
Lew and I were thinking.
Maybe we were hasty in our decision.
What do you mean?
Maybe we don´t need any outside help
to solve our problem.
Hell, Dave, maybe we don´t
even have a problem.
Every man that ever got sent up...
went away saying he´d come back
and get even, right?
But can you actually remember anyone
ever comin´ back and doin´ anything?
I can´t think ofone.
Can you?
You want to get rid
ofthe gunfi ghter, is that it?
Dave, we´ve got to
before it´s too late.
He´s making a mock
ofthis whole town.
Making that little dwarf
the sheriff.
Kickin´ my own people
out of my own hotel.
Got halfofthe women in town
sewing bedsheets together.
Got those Mexicans down there
building long picnic tables.
Lutie Naylor barbecuin´
a whole damn steer.
- Some kind ofa picnic.
- Right here in our own town.
- Sounds pretty good to me.
- What do you mean?
It sounds like a good idea
bringin´ everything out in the open.
This whole thing´s
all for nothin´.
They´re probably all three blind drunk
in some Nogales whorehouse.
Well, ifthey´re dead drunk in Nogales,
we´ll know in 24 hours.
Surely we can put up
with the man for one more day.
No. He´s got this whole town
so people are turnin´ on each other.
What´s the matter, Morgan?
Anybody special turn on you?
- You want to spell that out, Drake?
- Spell it yourself.
I´m not gonna jeopardize
everything l´ve built here...
because some blond bitch in heat
threw you out of bed.
- Don´t talk to me that way!
- I´ll talk to you any way I like!
I´ll say what I have to say
while l´m running this company.
Say it, but you could listen
once in a while yourself!
What´s the matter? Not gettin´
your fair share ofthe profits?
It´s not the profits.
This whole business
has gone sour...
since that deal with that
former marshal, Duncan.
We had no choice in that matter
and you know it.
The big mistake was hiring
that man Duncan in the fi rst place.
You did that all by yourself.
Quiet! Shut up.
We can trust one another.
This whole town had a hand
in what happened.