We went to lots of gigs.
It was the beginning of the rock affluence
that was shared.
The money began to move
into other areas.
It wasn't just the stars
who were spending the money.
We were all spending the money.
He spent his money. He spent his money...
... as carelessly as anybody's
supposed to spend it.
Murray the K had a radio show then,
and he said, "I'm gonna play...
...the new Jimi Hendrix album."
And he played it.
We heard this guitar player...
... who was doing everything
that was possible.
I mean, it was just amazing.
I always figured he would make it.
I always figured that, well...
... maybe he'd be playin' cabarets
here and there.
But I didn't know he gonna make it
so world-wide like he did.
This child ain't did nothin' that great,
you know what I mean?
He said, "No, they really dig me.
And I got this really nice album."
"I got two cats that play with me
and everything."
And he said,
"And I brought you something, too."
I said, "Bring it when you bring the album."
I'm thinkin' he's brought me
some fabulous present back from London.
"Jimi, please tell me what it is."
And he said:
"Acid... some acid." You know?
And I said, "Acid?"
I had no idea what he meant.
I thought maybe he had a cauldron of acid
or somethin' and he was gonna drop me in.
He looked over to Arthur
and Arthur said, "LSD".
You know, and I said, "Oh, LSD".
I was tryin' not to sound too disappointed,
you know.
So he popped a couple of 'em right away.
So I said, "Well, damn! Little as Jimi is,
if he can take it, I know I can take it."
So, I popped a half and Fay popped a half.
He said, "Here, try a half first."
I waited for somethin' to come on.
I didn't feel it so I said,
"Give me another half."
He popped two, you know.
So we wind up gettin' stoned...
...'bout after 30 minutes,
half an hour of me complainin' about...
..."Where's the high? Where's the high?"
About half an hour later we wind up
gettin' tore up, man!