He fluctuated so fast from great joy
into intense unhappiness.
I mean, suicidal, not interested in life,
completely disinterested in his body.
He wanted to tear off his body, you know.
And he did.
But he glorified bodies and flesh
and human beings...
...and women and children and all that.
Can you tell some nights
you're just not making it at all?
- Ever want to walk off?
- That's why I hate compliments.
Compliments are so embarrassing
sometimes, 'cause you know the truth.
Sometimes people don't really
try to understand.
It's like a circus that might come to town.
"Wow, watch that."
Soon as they fade away,
they go on to feed upon the next thing.
But it's all right. It's part of life.
I'm diggin' it myself.
You're considered one of the best
guitar players in the world.
But Jimi was very, very self-conscious.
He came in and said, "How's my hat?
How does my hat look?"
We said, "Your hat looks all right."
He said, "You think they'll mind."
Yeah, "You think 'they'll' mind..."
Always worryin' about what...
When I say "we", what the
other black people thought.
About his music.
Yeah, about his music, and himself,
and propaganda that they heard.
And a lot of it was true,
but he was experiencing things.
He was goin' through a lot of changes.
He was a black man
in a white man's world.
I mean, it's an extraordinary sort
of uptight, white, hetero set...
...the rock-and-roll set.
They're all so aggressively normal...
...with their wives, children, houses,
and Jimi doesn't belong to that.