If an aura of sentiment
does not cling to a house...
if the least of its walls
is not steeped in family tradition...
then the idea of a home
is an empty one.
A fierce, wild boar...
ready for all
the subtlest marinades.
That's good meat.
Two superb soft-eyed deer,
the flesh redolent...
of the Couves forest.
Is it frozen?
So what? I'm all for progress
when necessary.
That's good meat.
Ten dozen semi-wild guinea hens...
fed on grain and juniper.
Our friends want you.
Nice sweater.
Beautiful car, eh?
You know, Bugatti had
his shoes made to order...
like gloves,
with a separate big toe.
- To drive?
- No, for every day.
There was an artist!
Look. What magnificence.
Three dozen young Ardennes roosters.
- What's going on?
- Twenty dozen Bresse chickens.
Codfish. Oh, wow, does it stink!
A hindquarter of beef...
from the rich pastures
of Charolais.
You'll see how much fun
it is to cut up.
Five young salt-marsh lambs
from Mont St. Michel.