I'll make coffee
Clarisse doesn't do it right
Here we go. A nice coffee.
That's how to make it, Clarisse
- That's how I make it
- It seems not
What are you doing?
Last night you were with Pierre
Why do you say that?
I got that impression during lunch
You're crazy!
I have a sworn promise
that if the town sells the land cheaply...
...the company will build its factory here
The workers will be housed
in a housing project built for them
Built where?
On the other piece of land. Mine
- You understand?
- Not completely
Who will build this housing?
A promoter friend of ours
- Friend?
- A political friend
Don't worry about that.
That's no problem. The problem is this.
For you to make
the city council accept...
...as your idea that the company
should build here...
...you stress all the advantages
the town would gain
Real advantages. And then...
...you see to it that they give the land
that I gave the town...
...to the company
that will build the factory
- What kind of factory?
- Plastics