Les Noces rouges

To tell you the truth...
...it suits me fine
Pierre, this is Paul Delamare
I'm at home. I'll explain later
I'd like to see you
as quickly as possible

- Right away?
- As quickly as possible

But not here in town
I have a little hut for duck hunting.
See you there in one hour?

All right but...
This must seem strange
but you'll understand

Here's how to get there
Such rapidity! Very kind of you
- Not at all!
- No doubt...

My dear Pierre,
all this mystery annoys you...

...yet the explanation is quite simple
I wanted my wife here
to avoid any ambiguity

- Hello, Madame...
- Please!

One must sense the atmosphere.
Kiss each other

No, I'm not going to harm you.
Not at all

I sincerely offer you my friendship
You sleep with my wife
I hope you both find...
...all the pleasure and profit
you expect and merit
