Right, stand by.
Here comes Kananga's limousine.
Out he gets
with the usual goon squad
and the girl.
Time: 11.46.
What is that?!
Felix? You know I hate to trouble you,
but I've run into a little bother.
You what?!
Get me a make on a white pimpmobile.
3-4-7. Nelson David George.
It would seem, Dr Kananga,
that the conference has not
Iived up to your expectations.
We can only hope that
this is a temporary setback.
However, I do have
some observations to make.
Take a letter, please.
To Secretary-General,
Pan-lsland Unity Conference.
I wish to point out...
too many
of our island neighbours
have once again let themselves be...
bullied by United States industry.
The story is an old one,
the record a clear one.
Since my historic statement ofprinciples
was delivered and acted upon
some six months ago,
our economic outlook
has improved dramatically.
By exercising our policy of friendship
to all with favouritism towards none,
new respect for the entire area
has been injected.
And even though some ofmy...
James? That car is registered
to a shop at 33 East 65th Street.
That's only a block away from here.
Right. Take your time, buddy.
Kananga's knitting a flag in there.