I see the intervention of a woman.
The girl was about to confess.
We had to kill her.
The trap was set.
Tee Hee was waiting.
And you saw death.
It must have been the girl's death.
If you do not ask specific questions,
I cannot be responsible for your
misinterpretation of the answers.
These growing signs of impertinence
begin to disturb me, Solitaire.
As they did with your mother before you.
She had the power and lost it.
Became useless to me.
You will not make the same mistake,
Where is Bond now?
Where is Bond now?!
I cannot see
when you are this way with me.
Things become unclear.
Let us hope these momentary lapses
do not become a habit.
Your power exists to serve me.
And it is mine to control.
If and when the time comes I decide you
are to lose it, I myself will take it away.
Solitaire, go to sleep. You have made me
angry with you, and I have no wish to be.
Tee Hee...