Live and Let Die

The power...
I've lost it.
The High Priestess is wife
to the Prince no longer of this world.

The spiritual bridge to the secret church.
It was my fate.
By compelling me to earthly love,
the cards themselves
have taken away my powers.

Darling, I've...
a small confession to make.
Now, try not to be too upset.
The deck was slightly stacked
in my favour.

It makes no difference.
The physical violation cannot be undone.
When he finds out I've lost my power,...
he'll kill me.
Oh, now, come on.
He'll have to find you first.

Lovers' lesson number one:
we have no secrets.

For example, I have a boat waiting.
You can be on it.
All I have to know before we leave is...
what goes on back there in voodoo land.

Darling, three men and a girl
have been killed in the last four days.

Not counting the times
they've tried to stop me

from discovering
what Kananga's protecting.

Now, do you want to be
on that boat or not?

I simply read the cards for him.
I have never been there,
and he's never taken me there.
I've never dared to go.
But I've looked in the cards.
I've seen great riches there.
They'll kill you.
Us, darling.
