Mean Streets

What the hell is this?
Not in my fuckin' place!
Keep out of my place! I know your face!
And you, scumbag!
I told ya about passin'
that shit in my place.

I didn't do nothin'!
You're supposed to be the bouncer.
-I didn't do nothin'.
-That's it. Ya didn't do nothin'.

Come on, hurry up with that shit, huh?
What's this, more shit?
No, that ain't shit. That's a German lens.
I've got two shipments of those.
That's good stuff.

Can't use it.
What do ya mean ya can't use it?
That's a telescopic one.
That's the best one they make.

It's not German, it's Jap.
This is an adaptor, it's not a lens.

You bought two shipments
of Jap adaptors, not lenses.
