Mean Streets

I don't know nothin'.
I couldn't get out. It was like a box.

Big, like this. So I gotta go back in.
Not only do I go back in,
but this kid says it's a false alarm.

Imagine that?
I wanted to kill this fuckin' kid.

I was so crazy, I wanted to kill this kid.
Meanwhile, I gotta get back in the game.
Bing, bing, bing! I lose $400.

Meanwhile, Frankie Bones is over there.
I owe him $1,300 for seven,
eight months already.

He's after me. I can't walk on the street
without duckin' that guy.

He's like waitin' for me.
Like I can't move, you know.

He sees that I'm losin', right?
So he's waitin' for me.

He's tappin' me on the shoulder.
He's saying, ''Hey.''

Tappin' me like this. Like a hawk.
''Hey, get it up. You're losin'.
Give me some money.''

I say, ''Frankie, come on. Give me a break
over here. Let me win some back.

''I got debts. I'm in a big hole.''
He says, ''Never mind, give me the money.''
I say, ''Okay, Frankie.''

So I give him $200.
Meanwhile, I lost the deal.

I go outside, a little depressed--
I'll cut the story short
'cause you don't want to hear all this.

I know, I know, I know.
Make a long story short.
So anyway, I went out shoppin'.
Got a new tie, got this shirt, right?
You like the shirt?

It's nice. This tie--
Michael doesn't care if you're depressed!
What is he, your priest?

Why are ya goin' shoppin'
when ya owe money? It ain't right.

How much ya got there?
I'm gonna pay him next week.
I'm gonna pay him!

You're gonna and ya don't do nothin'.
How much you got there?
I got about, I don't know, I got about $40.
What are ya doin'?
I got about $40 there. That's all.
What are ya doin'?
I'm holdin' on to this till next week,
till ya make the next payment.

Why, there's a little more than $40?
-It's a mistake.
-Mistake, huh?

Hey, listen, I swear to my mother,
you come with me next Tuesday...

...I sign the paycheck over to you. I swear
to my mother, swear to Christ, okay?

Come on, it's $110. You give it to Michael.
Come on, give me some money.
We got those beautiful girls out there.

We're gonna get laid now.
I met those chicks in that Cafe Bizarre.
They were fuckin' around
with these two other guys.

That one, Weintraub, is very nice.
Very nice. I want to bang her like crazy.
