Mean Streets

You don't get a drink!
Does a bear shit in the woods over here?
Come on, give him a double, Tony.
Give him a double.

Long time no see.
I know what you're gonna say,
but don't say it...

...because I'm not payin' for these drinks.
They're all on the tab.

And I'm gonna see ya Tuesday payday,
I swear on my mother.

Not only on my mother,
but Jesus Christ and-- Okay?

All right, I just want to tell ya
to stay on top of it.

-I will.
-We don't want it to get out of hand.

-Don't worry, it ain't gonna get out of hand.
-I'm doin' it for you.

Come on, have a drink.
The queen!
-You know what the queen said?

If I had balls I'd be the king.
Hey, they told me you were here,
and you're here.

How are you? How's the classes going?
Okay, Oscar.
How's everything goin' with you?

I was in the basement fixin' the freezer.
Would you believe that?

Charlie, you're a good boy.
Will you tell your uncle I have nothing?

I can't make this week's payment.
Listen, you talk to Giovanni, not me.
I should hand this place over to him,
you know that?

I don't need this aggravation.
He'd rather have the loan paid.
You know that, Oscar.

Your uncle's a good man.
I'm not gonna stick him.

He either gets the money
or he gets the place.

Right now it looks like
he's gettin' the place.

You tell me why I should care.
I got a partner who is a bum.
He disappears!

I don't understand this. Where's Groppi?
I should know? His wife don't even know!
If he don't give a damn,
why should I kill myself?

Thank you very much, Natalie!
