Mean Streets

-You know what that means?
-That means it's good.

-Tony, can we borrow your car?

All right, come on. Across the street.
Ya got sparklers?
Cherry bombs? Ash cans?
-Cones, yes.

-What are you, a comedian?
-Comedians, Tony.

-Nice car.
-Yeah, well.

Must've cost a lot.
You got a good buy on this, didn't ya?
You need a tune-up there.

Did you kids come down here for the feast?
Now what we're gonna do is
let ya out right over there on that corner.

And we're gonna come back for ya.
Can't we come with you?
No. I can't let anybody see
where I got the stuff.

That's good business,
ya know what I'm sayin'?

-Be back in about 30 minutes.

Wait, wait, wait. What about the cash?
Take a check?
Take a check?
-Where are you guys from?

Maybe that's what they do up in Riverdale,
but down here we gotta take cash.

Now, ya got it or ya don't got it.
Okay, here.
All right, now wait over there
and keep your mouth shut.

Checks? Tony, you take checks, right?
Sure I take checks. How much did we get?
You know, I don't know.
Let me see here. What do we got here?

What do we got here?
What do you know!
We got stiffed by them kids.

They only gave me $20.
Take $5. Tell you what:
I'll write you a check.

I'll tell ya what: Get out of the car.
I'll tell you what: Take the $5.
Give me the $5.
Let's go to the movies.
And the movie's on you.
Pull over here. Pull over here.
There he is!
