Hey, Michael!
Charlie, get in the car. Come here.
Comin' in?
Nah, come here.
So, I'll see ya tomorrow, right?
Frankie, be good.
-What's the matter?
-We just stiffed a couple of kids.
-How much ya take 'em for?
What are you laughin' about? $20?
Let's go to the movies.
-That's right and you pay.
-What are you talkin' about?
It's my business.
You guys better enjoy yourselves.
It's costin' me a lot of money.
Hey, get down. Leave me alone!
Shut up, give me a break,
I'm tryin' to watch the picture.
You watch it. I'll get the manager in here.
He'll throw ya out in the street!
Go ahead. Go get the fuckin' manager!
-He's a fruit!
-You're a fruit!
Me? I'm no fruit!
It feels good, huh, Charlie?
Streets are empty. Nice, thank God.
With that feast on, ya can't even move
in your own neighborhood.
I hate that feast with a passion.
Never mind the feast!
Just remember, I'll do the talkin'.
That's the trouble.
Don't fool around, John.
Jimmy asked me to settle this.
How much do they owe him?
I don't know, a couple of hundred.
Look at this character!
He's probably the next judge!
He's the mayor's aide.
-Where's he gonna meet us?
-In the pool room.
Where is it, near Sullivan's?
No, it's on King Street. What are ya doin'?
Show me where to go.
I don't know my way around.
Make a right turn over here
when the light turns green.
Next time, we don't bet
outside the neighborhood.
Come on with this light. What is this,
a coffee and cake light over here?
Why don't you get farther away
from the car please?