You believe anything anybody says.
That's right, I believe anybody.
That's my charm.
Some charm, pops.
-What about the time you went on retreat?
-What about it?
Charlie goes on this retreat.
He tells me this story about this priest
who used to...
...let this couple borrow his car for dates.
They didn't make it,
'cause they weren't married.
But, two weeks before the marriage,
they decided to make it.
So, they pull over to the side of the road
in the priest's car.
Boom! Mack truck comes along,
and they're both killed.
That's great. That's true?
This really happened?
No, wait.
Charlie believes it.
I tell him two years before that...
...I went on a retreat
and the priest tells me the same story.
It's a different priest,
it's the exact same story.
-So that--
-Ya get it?
Yeah, you mean the story ain't true, right?
Yeah, but the point is, he's really upset.
But he don't understand...
...it's a business, it's work,
it's an organization.
You got a way about talkin'
about one thing and then zap...
...you slide right into somethin' else
that nobody's even supposed to notice.
I was mad because they lied to me.
I'm gonna tell ya one thing:
I ain't never goin' on no retreat.
Why do you let those guys get to you?
'Cause they're supposed to be guys.
Hey, listen, that's where you and I differ.
What can I tell ya?
You want me to say it?