Not quite, but keep tryin'. Dummkopf.
-Ya wanna have a game after we close?
Yeah, come on. For how much?
Hey, don't call me no scumbag.
You can't pay what you owe.
As soon as a game shows up...
...bang! You wanna jump in.
''For how much?''
Why don't you use your head?
Hey, hold it! What's the matter
with you guys? We're friends!
What the fuck is wrong with you?
-Me? He's callin' me a scumbag!
-You, too!
-All right, enough!
-Fuckin' moron!
Go ahead. Hit each other
with the fuckin' chairs, why don't ya?
-Come on, we gonna go eat now?
-All right, enough.
You oughta know better than that.
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Tony. I'm sorry.
-Wanna play a little cards?
Anybody wanna have a game?
Michael, I've got a game
you cannot say no to.
You said no.
Lot of sports.
A little blackjack?