- Yes?
- Ma'am, is Mr Morgan at home?
Mr Morgan?
My name is Moses Pray,
Kansas Bible Company. He'll know.
I'm sorry. Mr Morgan has passed on.
Oh, ma'am, I just...
I don't know what to say.
- What were you seeing him about?
- He ordered this here Bible...
- Rudolph ordered a Bible?
- The de luxe with the lady's name on it.
- Lady's name?
- I expect a special gift to a family friend.
Under the circumstances, I'll give you
back his dollar deposit with no obligation.
Ma'am, I don't know how
to put into words the sorrow I feel.
What name is on it?
I don't really know what name Mr Morgan
had put on it, ma'am. Let's see.
It's here somewhere. I've got it.
Here it is...
- Pearl.
- I'm Pearl.
- He must have got this for you, ma'am.
Yes, he bought it for me.
- Of course. You're not obliged to take it.
- Of course I'll take it.
There's one thing. I told him
I could sell him a cheaper Bible,
but he wanted the best, being the de luxe
with the lady's name printed in gold...
- Oh, he would.
...bringing a balance due of $8.
Well, that's $8, minus the dollar deposit,
- making it $7.
- I'll go get my purse.
- You're not obliged to take it.
- Of course I am. He ordered the de luxe!
Cold or not,
it's good to be back in Manhattan.
Jack, you've been here since Thursday.
What have you done?
I've had a lot of fun, Don.
I saw some shows, went to nightclubs.