She's just like that little white speck
on top of old chicken shit!
I just love it, love it, love it!
All this white. It is absolutely the
proper thing for my kind of appearance.
You need a new dress. The right dress
makes all the difference in a face,
especially since you've got
the right kind of bone structure.
Oh my, oh my, Daddy,
but wouldn't you look handsome
behind the wheel of that?
Everything is in the bone structure.
A person can tell his whole life
by his bone structure.
I tried pushing her out of a window.
I think there are bugs all over. I just
hope there's no snakes round here.
I think we ought to go now, you know?
Thank you.
Now, hurry... Oh!
Come on, get those things in there.
Don't break anything, either.
- Let's go!
- Baby's got to go winky-tinky.
Don't worry.
Come on, we're ready.
- Come on!
- I ain't ready!
You don't look busy. Come on.
- I ain't coming!
- You listen here...
- No, I won't listen here!
- What's up with you?
I want to sit in front.
How come we ain't working no more?
We're on vacation. Miss Delight and me
are in front because we're grown-ups.
That's where grown-ups sit!
Children do not tell grown-ups
what to do with their lives.
She ain't my grown-up
and I ain't sitting no more in the back.
- Not for no cow!
- Keep your voice down!
Miss Delight ain't no cow.
She has a high school diploma!
And she's got to go to the bathroom,
so get to the car!
She's always in the bathroom!
She must have a bladder like a peanut.