You're going to ruin it, ain't you?
I don't want to wipe you out and I don't
want you wiping me out, you know?
So I'm going to level with you, OK?
With me, it's just a matter of time.
I don't know why,
but somehow I just don't manage
to hold on real long.
So, if you wait it out a little,
it'll be over, you know?
Even if I want a fella, somehow or
other I manage to get it screwed up.
Maybe I'll get a new pair of shoes,
a nice dress, a few laughs.
Times are hard.
If you fool around on the hill up here,
then you don't get nothing,
I don't get nothing, he don't get nothing.
So, how about it, honey?
Just for a little while?
Let old Trixie sit up front with her big tits.
Hey, come on!
We're coming, and if you don't
find me a gas station soon,
this little old snowflake's
going to wet her pantaloons!
Oh my, I almost fell down!