Why not print it? She likes that.
Print it, huh?
"Some sweets for the sweet.
"Some girls say I'm a smooth dancer
myself. How about trying me out?"
- You sure this is going to work?
- I don't know, but we'll give it a try.
Throw this in the drawer, will you?
Keep your fingers crossed.
- Who is it?
- It's Addie.
What is it?
I got a message from Moze.
He had to run over to Haynesville.
He won't be back until suppertime.
I think he had to get something fixed
on his car. He'll be gone all day.
Well, OK.
- Howdy.
- Howdy.
- What you having?
- Waffles.
I already ate. I had waffles, too.
Sure are good, ain't they?
They ain't bad for waffles.
Mr Moze, Miss Trixie don't feel so good.
She's staying in bed today.
She'll see you at supper.
She's sick? I'd better go up there.
She ain't real sick. Ain't no worry.
She's having her lady's time.
Tell her I'll see her this evening.
Just wanted to say good morning. I think
I'll go upstairs and polish my shoes.