Nothing's left.
I've been keeping $10 for emergencies!
What'll we do with $10?
Buy Bibles. Do a little widow business.
Must be lots of good towns around here.
Do twenties, drop some wallets.
Before you know it, we'll be good again.
I'll bet in no time, we could have
a whole new car and everything.
You're taking me
to Aunt Billie's now, ain't you?
- Don't cry.
- I won't.
It's where we set out for, ain't it?
Looks nice.
Yeah, looks real fine.
- That must be your uncle.
- He looks nice, too.
Yep, real nice.
Maybe if Roosevelt comes by,
they'll take me to see him.
- If you write him, he can write back now.
- He might at that.
Course he will.
Ain't no question but he will.
All this talk's just wasting time.
There's your skates and your radio.
- Where will you go?
- I got plans.
New ideas coming in every day.
Get going.
If I knew for sure you wasn't my pa...
It's for sure I ain't.