And I aim to live to be rich,
old and gray.
That's a fine ambition, Pat.
You keep thinking like that.
I'll think on how I'll spend your money.
Only thing you've got
to think about...
...Is when you stand before
the highest court there is.
May it sit in judgment
on your rotten soul.
Now, you listen. Listen to me good.
Before that rope snaps,
It'll hit you like a bolt of lightning...
...that what I've been telling you
Is the truth!
You'll learn to believe
before I'm finished.
That's 3 to you.
What do you believe in, Bell?
I do believe I'm gonna
have to see that bet...
...and raise you 5.
- Billy...
...somewhere in the Good Book,
it says there's a time for everything.
A time to love, a time to hate...
...a time to kill.
But now it's time
you got close to God, boy.
I heard God's fast...
...but I have to go up in front of him
myself before I'd bet on it.
You will.
Well, that puts me on my way.
I got to go collect a few more taxes.
He's all yours.
Two days, boys.
I count eight days till dawn, Billy.
You'd best be on your knees and making
the acquaintance of your Lord and master.
Pat, keep that mule's asshole away from me
before I have to break him.
I surely wish you'd try, son.
I got my shotgun full of 16 thin dimes.
Enough to spread you out
like a crazy woman's quilt.
- Bob.
- Why don't you sing a song of Jesus...
...while there's still a way.
- Bob. Bob.
Damn it.
You mess around with him one more time,
I'll send your ass back to Texas.